our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Monday, March 26, 2012

little fish

Swim class started this weekend. Liam was so excited to be going to swim class with his buddy DD. After the initial shock of the cold water, Liam loved it. There was a lot of splashing, kicking and noodle swimming.  I hope next weekend he has just as much fun.

Monday, March 19, 2012

what a weekend

This weekend was great. I wish it was starting all over again. Here is a rewind of how it went: puddle hunting, St. Patrick's Day Parade and The Crossings.  It was a good weekend spent with old and new friends. We did some lawn work, got the grill out and just soaked up some vitamin D.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

flash friday

Things that go on in the morning here at our house:

Liam & books. He loves them. We read them all the time. He "reads" them all the time. Some days I think I catch him "reading" to Olive. Liam just can't get enough books in his life. Right now his most favorite books are :  Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? and Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear?  . We even have one on CD so he can listen to it in the car...

Things that go on here in the evenings:
Since the weather has been amazing. We have been going for walks every night after dinner. Really, Liam rides, and one of us  pushes 25lbs of kid around in that little buggy. He loves it...until it is time to park his buggy in the garage. Then the tears, the sadness and the begging for more starts.

It's Friday! Liam will celebrate St. Patrick's Day at school today (which translates to him getting all jacked up on sugar), and we have a fun weekend planned. 
Someone is super proud to have some Irish in his blood.

Friday, March 9, 2012

flash friday

A mini one, but it is a start. I swear I will try to be better at this...

Liam is all about getting himself dressed & picking out his own outfit these days

my morning boy and his bed head

mummy dogs

she likes to watch over him.

from england

Liam loves to get mail. Every once in a while there will be something for him in the mail. Yesterday, he got a big ol' package in the mail. He was "pumped" (his words).  Packages from England are always fun to receive! Liam had a blast opening his presents and sends big thank you across the pond! Love you guys!

nom, nom, nom, English chocolates

Piddlers! The best invention for a little boy (or grown man) who needs help with aiming

the package was almost as big as Liam


Yes! More underwear!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


It snowed. I have been waiting for the ground and trees to be covered in white. I rushed to pick Liam up from daycare so we could get home and play in the snow. I figured the way the weather has been, there was a chance that the sun would come out and the temperature would shoot up to 60 degrees and melt all the white beauty away. But the sun didn't come out and the snow continued right through the morning. I hope the snow stays through the weekend so we can build a big, blue snow man (per Liam's request).