our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Monday, November 22, 2010

1 Year. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days.

Dear Liam,

Happy 1st Birthday!  This past year has been amazing, challenging, filled with happiness, filled with anxiety, filled with laughs, filled with learning experiences, filled with more love than ever expected and filled with you!

I can hardly believe that a year ago I became a mom. That moment will forever be burned into my memory. The moment you entered our world. The moment the doctors exclaimed "Happy Birthday", the moment I heard you cry for the first time, the moment I looked at your dad after he saw you, the moment I saw you, the moment I held you and the moment I realized that you. were. all. ours.

Everyone warned your dad and I about how much sleep we would lose once you arrived, or how expensive babies are, or how life will never be the same, or how we would not have much fun anymore. No one ever warned us that we would be laughing so much, that life gets better, that you do get to sleep, that you are worth every penny spent, that the fun begins once the baby arrives or how the love you will experience once you become a parent makes your heart want to explode.

Liam, this past year has been wonderful. You have added so much to my life. I feel like I need to tell you a few things:

I love your dad so much for so many reasons. But after watching him be a dad, it makes me love him so much more than I ever thought I could.  After becoming a parent, it makes me respect & love my own parents so much more. I realize how hard it is to be a parent, but how much harder it is to be a good parent. You have made me realize how much I take for granted. I often stop and wonder what have I done to deserve such a healthy, beautiful, and amazing little boy. You have made me realize that simple sometimes is the best. Your smiles are endless and your laugh is so contagious. I am so proud to be your mom and even more proud when people describe you as being "happy". That is all I want for you. No matter what choices you make, wherever life takes you, who you decided to share your life with, I just want you to be happy.

Happy Birthday my sweet boy!  I love you all the way to the moon and back!



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