our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

things that go bump

Just a note before you start to read this, everyone is fine. everything is okay.

Liam and I made a quick stop to one of the happiest places on Earth (a.k.a.Target) before heading home yesterday. We get home. It is nice and warm, I plug the tree lights in, anticipating Andrew to get home and to have a nice relaxing evening. That was the plan until Liam decided to send me go into cardiac arrest. As he was wandering around he tripped, fell and hit his head on the corner of the entertainment center. He screams immediately, I pick him up and notice that he has a big gash on his forehead and there is blood pouring out of it. Blood bath. So in my mind I am having flashbacks to first aid class and wished I had paid more attention. I get a cold, wet cloth and apply pressure to his head and try my hardest to calm him. I call Andrew in a panic, who kept his cool and reassured me everything would be okay and walked me though what I should do next. He was on his way home. I somehow got the bleeding to stop, got the screaming and crying to stop and bandaged up his little head and off we went to the emergency room. He was all smiles and giggles when we got there. Long story short, he is fine. He did not need any stitches and his cut wasn't as bad as I expected. The doctors applied dermabond, which essentially is superglue for the skin. I on the other hand could have not felt more worse about the situation. The cut is right above his right eyebrow and hopefully won't leave too much of a scar. It looked a lot better this morning: the swelling went down and there is no significant bruising.

As the doctor reassured us that Liam would be fine, he also reminded us that this will be the first of many. Like I told Liam, every scar has a story. I will post pictures later.

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