our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Friday, April 20, 2012

flash friday

Happy Friday. Friday is finally here! Lots of good stuff going on this weekend. Hopefully Mother Nature shines rather than rains on us this weekend. So no good photos to share...yet. I do have this one:

I finally read The Hungers Games trilogy. It took a little over a week to get through all three books.  I probably could have neglected all of my adult & parenting responsibilities and got through the books in a couple of day, but I decided to keep it responsible. Now I understand this whole Team Gale or Team Peeta ( personally, I am Team Peeta), & Real or Not Real.  Now I need to decide if I want to watch the movie or not. Maybe I should let my heart stop beating so fast and stop sweating before I make that decision.

1 comment:

  1. skip the movie...was the worst book to movie I've ever seen! :(
