Happy 6th month Liam! I can't even believe we are celebrating your 6th month of life. I wonder what you think about your past 6 months. What have you enjoyed or disliked? I hope you have enjoyed more than you have disliked.
I saw a little baby in store a few weeks ago. Newborn and sooo tiny. I overheard the proud mama of the baby telling another mama that her baby weighs 6lbs 5oz. Just the weight you were when you were born. I don't recall you ever being that tiny, but you were. I am glad you aren 't that tiny anymore. Don't get me wrong, I loved it when you were that tiny, but now that you are growing and changing on a daily basis, it is much more fun.

You are sitting all on your own! You are reaching and grasping for anything that you can get your hands on. You still don't have any teeth, but that is okay. You have tried several vegetables and have enjoy them for the most part. I can't wait to see your reaction when you try apples today. You are trying to stand; you really love to jump. You recognize faces and voices. You often laugh out loud, especially at the pugs. You have a big personality for such a little person. You enjoy listening to music and a simple shhhh calms you down.
Next thing I know, we will be shopping for a tuxedo and styling your hair into a mohawk to celebrate your 1st birthday. Liam, watching you grow and change has been wonderful. I figured it would be great, but I never expected it to be this amazing. I love you, all the way to the moon & back.
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