our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

flash friday

TGIF y'all! Reasons why I am excited the weekend is here:

1. Greek Festival is this weekend.
2. Carter outlet shopping with Robyn & Gherk -whose real name was learned this week!
3. Not having to work on Saturday.
4. Getting my hair cut and hiding the evidence I am getting old.
5. The best- spending time with the guys.

Enjoy your weekend!!

The week in review:

my, what long eyelashes you have

Al, the eagle VS. Liam

Seriously, this drooling thing is out of control

Good Morning!

Playing the guitar

Morning playtime

The azaleas

Taking a stroll

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend you have ahead! I am looking forward to Sunday! Liam is such a sweetheart! The pictures are too cute!
