Happy 7th Month, Liam! You have changed so much this past month. Your face has changed, you are growing into your features. You are really just a beautiful little boy. I am also amazed at how much you look like my Grandpa Jake. You look like him and of course have those beautiful blue eyes that he passed onto my mom, who passed them to me and now to you.
You are trying so hard to crawl. You can stand up with some assistance & will even hold on to something to keep your balance. You love to laugh, have conversations in your own little language with your reflection in the mirror and of course you love to gibber jabber with me and your dad.
You have the concept of eating down for the most part. You really do enjoy your fruits! You have also graduated to the big bath tub. You love to lay on your belly and splash in the water. Your dad and I can not wait to see what you do when you start your swim "lessons".
Liam, this month has been fantastic! You are just getting more and more amazing...making me more and more proud to be your mama. I love you, Liam!

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