07.15.09 was a very happy & exciting day. Andrew and I learned that we are going to be parents of a baby boy. We also learned that his brain, heart, limbs, spine & other organs are all developing within the normal range. His heart beat is good and I am carrying him low. When the ultrasound started he lifted his hand to his face and we later saw that he enjoys hanging in the womb with his legs crossed.
Andrew and I also were able to finally meet Dr. Lee, the third( and final) doctor. I would feel comfortable with Dr. Lee being the doctor who delivers the baby when that time comes. Actually I would feel comfortable with any of the three doctors. Dr. Lee informed me that I am anemic, so I've started an iron supplement. I will return in two weeks to see if this is the reason I am retaining fluids. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my low iron levels are the issue and nothing more.
After the doctor's appointment we made another visit to Babies R Us. Yet again upon entering that store I became overwhelmed, sweaty, and anxious. Andrew on the other hand was trying on Baby Bjorn baby carriers, driving strollers around and making himself right at home at BRU. We completed the necessary paperwork to become registered, but still are figuring out what to register for. We found two cribs and dresser sets that we both really liked. We decided to check out the reviews on line once we got home. We learned one crib was recalled and the other was discontinued. So the search for the crib & dressers continues...But we did find an awesome bedding set that we BOTH liked. Now we just need a crib to put it on. Andrew thinks that the more we go to BRU, the more comfortable I will be there -I certainly hope so.

Andrew & Jungle Tales
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