Happy 4 months Wiggy!! Can you believe that you are 4 months already?? I can't.
As you grow, you become more and more amazing to your dad and I. We love to watch you explore the world. You squeal in delight when we go outside for walks, you smile when we put you in your car seat and when you are in the stroller you are always looking around and have the look of curiosity on your face. Speaking of faces, you love to look at them, especially photos & your own in the mirror.

While I love that you are small, snuggle perfect size and still a little peanut to me, I simply can not wait for you to grow and get bigger. I can not wait to hear you say first word (which I think your dad believes will be dinosaur, he has high expectations kid!), for you to crawl, to take your first step, to have that first lonely tooth, to watch your naked feet touch the grass, I could go on and on. While I can't wait for these events to take place in our lives, I also wish I could slow time down, just a bit...
Happy four months of life on the outside! I love you to the moon & back.
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