our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

side to side

This morning I put Liam on his boppy play mat to have some fun while I cleaned up the kitchen and Andrew took the pugs for their morning stroll. Liam enjoys making all sorts of sounds these days. I noticed that it got pretty quite so I popped my head in the living room and found this:

Liam rolled onto his side.
(please note, the pink pig belongs to Olive)

He was just laying there, looking around and grasping at the hanging toys. I thought that it was definitely a fluke, so I rolled him back onto his back.

And watched & waited.

And he did it again. This time Andrew and I watched as he maneuver his legs and rolled himself onto his side. We were hoping he would complete his roll and land on his belly, but he didn't. We were pretty excited about the half roll.

All that rolling is exhausting!

Friday, February 26, 2010

flash friday

TGIF!!! I am so happy this week is finally over with. 12+ inches of snow (awesome!), car repairs (not so awesome), we finally bought a Wii (even more awesome!), & watching Andrew shovel the mammoth pile of snow a lovely plow truck dumped at the end of our driveway (least awesome). AND we successfully completed our first week of no television. The only time we watched the television was to learn more about the 12+ inches of snow- other than that, the TV was off. I have to say, I am pretty impressed! I think Zeppelin missed his daytime programs the most.

Happy Friday!

Grey Beard Zeppelin


Working those neck muscles.

they are almost the same size

Lighting bolt eyeball Olive

Monday, February 22, 2010

3 months.

Happy 3 months, Sweet Baby! This past month was a busy month for you. You experienced a lot of new things, new faces and places. You have also started to sleep through the night. My favorite new thing you have started is greeting me in the morning with that sweet smile of yours, which makes my heart melt . You also have a contagious little giggle. Tummy time is still frustrating at times, but you do such a great job when you are not frustrated. You love to spend time looking in the mirror and "talking" to your reflection. I sometimes spy on you doing that. Your dad and I have discovered that you are a Beatles fan. Your dad thinks it is because he sang Beatles' songs to you during your first days of life. I think you are simply one. cool. kid. Thank you for making me one happy mama; you are one amazing little boy who has reminded me that simple things in life are sometimes the best things.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

flash friday

What a BUSY week! First week back to work. First week of daycare. First week trying to figure out our schedules to make enough time for Liam, pugs and each other. First week is over and we have several, several more to survive.

Honestly, the first week went much better than I expected. Dropping Liam off at daycare wasn 't easy, nor was returning to work. Having a happy baby waiting for me at the end of the work day is a huge motivation to get through the day. Life is pretty amazing, but I wonder how much more amazing it would be if I could add five hours to each day. If only, right.

Anyhow, here are this weeks pics. I apologize that some pics are blurry; as I took those with my cell phone. enjoy and happy weekend!

bumbo time!

small paul

intense swing time.

first day

nom, nom, nom.

welcome back flowers.

my guys.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Liam has discovered his hands on a whole new level. Andrew and I crack up every time we hear the sounds Liam makes when he sucks on his hands & fingers. I think he gets a kick out of it, too. The other night Andrew and I woke up to weird sounds coming from the baby monitor. I went to check on Liam and there he was laying in his crib, smiling and playing with his hands...at 3am. Right now we find this to be one of his funnier behaviors, I certainly hope this behavior doesn't follow him too far into his childhood or his teenage years.

Friday, February 12, 2010

as a mom

My maternity leave ends in a few days. I am dreading it. I have been very fortunate to be able to stay home with Liam for the past three months. I feel like I blinked my eyes and here we are in the middle of February, Liam is just about 3mos. old, he is almost holding his head up completely on his own, cooing up a storm, giggling, I am returning to work, just about back into my pre-pregnancy wardrobe and Liam no longer fits into anything newborn sized (even diapers). I know I am not the first person to do this, nor the last, but this is a first for our family unit.

Speaking of firsts, I thought I would jot down just a few of my first experiences as a mom that have either made me laugh, cry or both...

1. Who knew I would fall in love with a short, somewhat bald, toothless guy?

2. I turn into one of those emotional people...ugh, I hate it!

3. I have learned that a lot of stores (believe it or not) do not have automatic doors!

4. I have learned there are still nice people in the world who will run across a parking lot to open a door for me and the stroller that carries Liam.

5. Watching my husband give me the thumbs up when he first saw Liam will forever be burned in my memory.

6. Watching my husband be a dad makes me fall in love with him all over again, all the time.

7. I realized that pacifiers are not as evil as I thought. But learning this the hard way by sterilizing pacifiers at 3am is, in fact evil.

8. Having a c-section was not as awful as I had imagined it to be.

9. Having a diaper leak when your child has an explosive bowel movement is as awful & funny as I imagined it to be.

10. Sleep is overrated.

flash friday

Happy Friday! It was a pretty low key week here, so the pics are not all that exciting this week.

Olive!Trouble.Two of my favorite guys.

Zeppelin- who appears to have a hangover.

"Mamarazzi, no more photos!"

post 6am bottle.

Man Baby.
Liam & my mom hair.

Monday, February 8, 2010

a good weekend

We had a fantastic weekend that kept us busy. I think we are all a bit more tired than usual this morning!

Liam finally got to meet his Uncle Angelo this past weekend. It was great to see Angelo and even better seeing him hold Liam. The size of Angelo compared to Liam was pretty hilarious. Liam looked like an ant compared to his uncle. It was a great visit!

Liam experienced his first Super Bowl and party this weekend. He did fabulous! There were dogs there, lots of people and loud sounds. He seemed to really enjoy watching everyone and being in a different house. He really wasn' t bothered by much, other than the awful performance by The Who.

We got to see our friends, Kevin & Andrea, who just got back from a trip to the Mediterranean. They had a lot of great stories to share, but the most exciting one we heard is how Kevin proposed to Andrea! Congrats Kevin & Andrea!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Andrew has an ongoing blog about all sort of stuff. Mainly tee shirts, design, and more recently "Dawn of the Dad". He is pretty clever & witty. Point blank: his blog puts my blog to shame...but then again he is the artsy, creative one in this relationship. So check it out:


Thursday, February 4, 2010

flash friday

Every Friday I will be adding photos from our life. While most of the photos will be of Liam, a few may include us or the dogs or all of us. So here are some photos to kick off the first "flash friday". enjoy.


Check out how there is a robot body perfectly placed right under Liam's head

Ready to hit the pavement

evil genius

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

6 more

Liam's reaction when he learned Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Just think Liam, in 6 more weeks you will be just about 4 months old. *sigh* This is good, because then you can finally tear it up on your awesome baby exersaucer.

Monday, February 1, 2010

rubba dub

Align Center

Bath time has not been one of Liam's most favorite times. He usually starts his bath off by crying (a lot) and that then leads to screaming. It basically is WWIII. We want to make it part of his bed time routine, but it just ends up being too stressful & not relaxing at all, for any of us. So we have been giving him a tub bath one a week and the other times we just give him a sponge bath, which he does not mind at all. Last night he was in desperate need of a tub bath...so we harnessed our inner strength and prepared to be in the front line of WWIII. To our surprise, he appeared relaxed and even seemed to enjoy it. He was excited ( in a happy way) when we put the water on him and there wasn't one tear shed! We were extremely proud of Liam and hope he continues to enjoy bath time. We haven't put our battle gear into storage just yet. Splash on Liam!