our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

weekend rewind

Today was great, in fact the whole weekend was pretty fantastic. I took Friday off from work. Treated myself to a pedicure, did a bazillion loads of laundry, grocery shopped and packed all of Liam's stuff for vacation. Saturday we spent the day at my mom & dad's house. Liam got to have fun with pata & mata and his great grandmas. Olive is "on vacation" at my mom and dad's house. I think every day of her life she is "on vacation", but now she is snoozing on a different couch. And today was the best. We started the day early with some photos in Gloversville. I can't wait to see the pics. The one sneak peek I did see, I look like an elephant in it...so needless to say I took the jogger out for a run/walk and did another round on the treadmill. Then we took an impromptu trip to Kristy's Barn. There we rode on a hay ride, fed some sheep and goats, signed up for CSA 2012 (Community Supported Agriculture) and bought a loaf of Andi's Apple Cake. Andrea is a friend, who is a pretty fantastic baker (and person) that just started her own business.It was pretty neat to see a friend's work in a local store (and her apple cake is a work of art). Liam also went on the potty a few times today and even wore underwear ( I will save that for another post). And the NY Giants won. And I guess I lied about not being able to upload anymore photos... I give up!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug! This baker has some pretty awesome friends!

    Liam- Way to go with the underwear/potty thing! your getting it big guy!
