Happy 11th Month, Liam!! I am not even sure what to write this month. I feel like I should save all my special thoughts for next month. But of course I must share some special thoughts with you from this past month. I am pretty sure that a few times this month you woke up looking more and more like a little boy. Your face has changed again and you have gotten so tall. I recall days when I could easily hold you in both of my hands, your whole body. Today, not so much. I miss those moments in the rocker when you were swaddled, cradled in my arms, quiet, warm and peaceful. Now I get to enjoy you sitting next to me on the couch, cuddled under a blanket, watching you smile and talk as we watch Wonder Pets or Jeopardy.
You took a couple steps independently this month. You are becoming more and more brave with standing on your own . It is cute because sometime I think you realize what you are doing (look mom, no hands!) and you get excited which leads to falling back on your bum. You still don't like to wear shoes. A day is successful if you keep your socks on. A day is really, really successful if you keep your socks and shoes on.
This month you started to say your first word...well at least we think so. You will look at the dog and say your version of "Olive". Or you will say her name and turbo crawl over to her. You have also started to share your Cheerios with her in the mornings. When you are finished with your Cheerios you will hold a couple in your hand, look over towards Olive and then drop the Cheerios over the top of your highchair, where Olive is patiently waiting.
Next month is the big month. I am realizing that your baby days are almost over and we all will enter the next phase in our journey...toddler hood. While I am a bit sad that your baby days are behind us, I can not wait to see what the next year brings and how much you will change & learn. I wonder how much your dad and I will change & learn, too.
Happy 11th Month, Liam!!! |