our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

last week

Last week. UGhhhhhh! It was probably one of the worst weeks we have experienced in a long time. Here is a recap of the fun that we had. Fortunately/unfortunately there are no photos to share our week...

Monday: Good day. My birthday. Liam was finally feeling better after a weekend filled with tears, fevers and sleepless nights. His top tooth finally popped through. yahoo!

Tuesday: Liam woke up with a rash all over his body. Andrew took him to the pediatrician. Poor little guy had a double ear infection and a viral rash. New antibiotic, talk of looking into getting tubes into his ears and hoping that this helps the little guy out.

Wednesday: Andrew wakes up not feeling well, but well enough to go to work. He calls me around 9am telling me he is on his way home, because he has that stomach bug I had during Christmas weekend.

Thursday: I wake up feeling awful. Sore throat, exhausted, body aches and congested. I plugged along at work. Andrew was home sick and Liam went to daycare. As the day went on, the worst I felt. By the time I got home I had a fever and just  felt terrible.

Thursday night into Friday morning: I wake up with the stomach bug. Liam wakes up with the stomach bug. This moment in our life was possibly the most pathetic. I am throwing up, Liam is covered in diarrhea from head to toe and Andrew is sick and half asleep. It was a looooooong night

Friday:  Andrew wakes up with a nasty, crusty eye and still is not well. I am in rough shape and Liam was just as bad. Andrew went to the doctor and I took Liam to the pediatrician. We were unsure if he in fact had the stomach bug or was having a really, really, really bad reaction to the new antibiotics. Diagnosis: Andrew had the flu and Liam had the gut bug. Remedy: lots of hydration and rest.

Liam is doing much, much better. He is back to his old self and sleeping through the night. Andrew and I are recovering. While it would be nice to put life on pause for a while so we can recover, it just isn't possible. So we deal with what we need to do, come home, play with Liam and relax after he is in bed. This results in the house not being as tidy as I would like, a bigger pile of laundry and a lot of tea drinking. We are looking forward to feeling well again. With a pending snow storm, I hope we all feel better so we can finally build that dang snowman if we get hit with the flakes!

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