our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

getting through the work day

When is your due date? 11.29.09 But I believe that Peanut will come when he/she is ready.
What week are you in? Week 16
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still kind of wearing my non mat. clothes with the bella band
Stretch marks? not that I have found, yet
Have you had an ultrasound? Yes
Sleep: All day long, please
Do you know the gender of your baby? I have to wait until I am at least 20wks. We are very excited and looking forward to knowing!
Do you have a name picked out? Yes, kinda, sorta
Is the child being named after someone? Middle name
Who is going to be with you during delivery? Andrew and medical staff
Natural or medicated childbirth? As natural as possible
How are you feeling right about now? Can't complain
What was the first thing you bought for baby? A Threadless onesie
Do you feel you are ready to have a baby? 9 months is a long time to prepare for baby. Andrew & I make a good team and we know we have a lot of learning ahead of us.
What I am looking forward to? Learning the sex of the baby, preparing the nursery, feeling the kicking, not being able to see my feet, having some funky cravings, knowing whether or not I am in labor, starting our family, Andrew as a dad, meeting the baby, the list could go on & on & on & on

Are you excited or scared about delivery? Pain is expected, but I am hoping that the excitement of meeting the baby & the love chemical will be more powerful than the pain (one can hope, right?)
Any food cravings? cheesecake, watermelon, Mexican food (not all at the same time)
Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Deli & Brew Turkey Subs & hot dogs

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