our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the year in review

2010 will be here in two days & so starts a new decade. I must admit that Andrew and I had a rough 2008 and were keeping our fingers crossed that 2009 would treat us better. It did.

Looking back on last new years eve, I don't think I had imagined I would be a mom this new years eve. Last new years eve was spent with friends at a party at our house. There was a lot of fun had, a lot of champagne drank, many laughs and one nasty hang over. If I recall correctly, I think Andrew ended the night in a snow bank... It seems so long ago.

Us. NYE 2008

This year will be spent a bit different. I will still enjoy some bubbly, but by no means will I miss that hangover!

So as we welcome 2010, we say good bye to a memorable 2009. I look forward to 2010....a lot of good stuff to come: turning 30, being a trio rather than a duo, a family rather than a couple, experiencing a lot of "firsts" with Liam, celebrating our 5th year of marriage, weddings of good friends and who knows what else!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

date night

Andrew and I had our very first date night on Sunday, post Liam. Peter & Mary (my father in law & step mom in law) were in town for Liam's first Christmas. They offered to watch the little guy so Andrew and I could go out to dinner. It was a nice time with yummy food (thank you, Pump Station). I will be honest, we did talk about Liam a lot through out dinner, but we also talked about other things non Liam related, too. It was good to get out and spend some time together, thanks Peter & Mary!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry 1st Christmas Liam!!!!

1st Christmas as a family

The tree

The Babe

The Reindeer Booty

My favorite present

Sunday, December 27, 2009

growing & growing

Liam had his one month well child appointment. He is now 8lbs 6oz.& is almost 23 inches long. I am so happy that he is thriving and growing. According to the pediatrician, he is doing well. Next month will begin his shots. I have a feeling I will be shedding more tears than him at that appointment.

one month

Andrew and I have one month under our belts as parents. A lot has gone on in one month:lots of visitors, lots of growing, lots of packages on our porch, lots of photos, lots of lost sleep, lots of coffee, lots of diapers, lots of laundry, lots of laughs, and lots of love.

Liam is starting to lift his head, more frequently. I am pretty sure that one of these days I will either end up with a bloody nose or black eye from his lack of neck control. He has also started to smile. He gave Andrew a big smile full of gums one morning. It was a pretty sweet moment. He also has begun to make more interesting noises and sounds. I think it is official that he pretty much established his own language. He is also sleeping in his crib *sigh*.

So much has changed in just one month. Who would have thought that this little 6lb person would cause so many positive changes in such a short amount of time??

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

3wks later

I can hardly believe that three weeks have past already. It seems like Liam has been here forever( I feel like I am writing that on every post, but it is soooo true!). Liam and I survived our first week without Andrew being home with us everyday. Boy are we happy when Andrew gets home from work! There were a few days that were pretty rough, but now that we have somewhat of a schedule down, things are becoming easier. Sometimes when Liam starts to cry which then turns into a screaming-cry, Zeppelin decides that he is going to start to howl. I am unsure if it is Z's way of trying to calm Liam or if it is his own anxiety coming out....So there were a few times when I had a screaming kid and two howling pugs, because when Z starts, Olive needs to start too. Good thing I have a sense of humor.

There is no denying this kid belongs to Andrew. Liam looks more like his dad everyday.


Andrew and I brought Liam to buy his very first Christmas Tree. I have to say that I think he enjoyed it, as he slept the whole time! Although, he did watch us decorate the tree in between napping.

It is funny that we are going out of our way to decorate the house, hang his new stocking and get a list of items together that Santa may bring him this year- Liam has no clue what is going on. His main concerns right now are being fed, sleeping and having his diaper changed. The photos will be priceless though. Andrew and I are really enjoying it and we can not wait until next Christmas, when Liam will hopefully be able to open presents, hold his own head up and maybe have his photo taken with Santa(emphasis on the word maybe. lets face it, Santa can be creepy). I am most excited about starting traditions with Liam on the holidays. Andrew and I are still figuring out what traditions we want to start( my vote is for matching footie pjs).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

bitter sweet

It was bound to happen, but I didn't think it would happen so soon. Some of Liam's newborn sized outfits no longer fit him. He is just too long for some of the outfits. I am not sure if he is having a growth spurt, as he has been sucking down at least 3ounces at each feeding (previously 2 oz. would totally satisfy him) or if he is finally just unfolding or it could be due to both. Anyhow, I am very excited that he is growing and thriving (especially since I am not able to nurse) but I was not expecting it to happen so quick. Watch out 7lbs., here comes Liam!!!

18 days old

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Need I say anymore??


The three Gregory men & Zeppelin.

Andrew, Grandpa Peter & Liam.


Last week we had a photographer, Jennifer Ames, come to the house to take some photos of Liam. I have to say he cooperated pretty well and we are very eager to see the photos . She did give us a sneak peek of the pics as she posted some on her website.


2 wks

It has been a busy couple of weeks and I really have not had the time to update this blog as often as I want. A lot has happened in just the 2wks that Liam has been with us. I have been making mental notes of things that happen that I want to post up here, but then a diaper needs to be changed, he needs to be fed or I want a good snuggle with the little peanut. More important things pop up.

Liam is doing well. He had a two week appointment with his pediatrician to check on the jaundice and his weight. The jaundice is no longer here and his skin now is just shedding. I am constantly moisturizing him. I think he may be part snake. He is also doing well with gaining weight. He is up a total of 8oz since birth. We are hopeful he will be at least 7lbs at his next appointment.

Andrew and I are doing well too. He returned to work today. I am not sure who out of the three of us was more sad about him returning to work. As predicted, Andrew is a great dad and a fabulous husband. I cant do much of anything until my 6wk post partum appointment...so that means he is still doing pretty much all the chores around the house and driving me around. I was a bit disappointed at my 2wk follow up appointment when I was told I should not be driving unless it is absolutely necessary....so back to driving Miss Daisy.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

aim high

Liam officially christened Andrew into fatherhood last week. While we were giving Liam a sponge bath, he decided to go to the bathroom...and shot right into Andrew's face. Andrew was completely shocked by the shot and thought at first that I was squirting water into his face(because that is the mature thing to do. All I have to say is that it was a good laugh and I am sure my time is coming...very soon.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

one week down

We have been home now for a week and Liam has been here with us for a little over a week. It has been a very busy week- lots of company, first pediatrician appointment and a lot of changes. Andrew and I are slowly learning what Liam needs, when he needs it and how to work as a team...even when it is 3am and are our eyes are hardly open.

Olive and Zeppelin are also becoming more aware of Liam. Zeppelin has been Liam's best friend since we brought Liam home. He enjoys watching Liam sleep, will become curious when Liam cries,and I am sure would cuddle with Liam if we allowed it. Olive has taken a bit more time to warm up to Liam than we expected. She was unsure of what Liam was when we brought him home. She was anxious and would look at him from a distance. As the days have gone on , she has become Liam's other best friend. She too, becomes curious when he cries, would lick him to death if we allowed it and runs right up stairs first thing in the am to check in on Liam. Andrew and I are happy the pugs are enjoying Liam and so far have been very well behaved. Lets hope this continues.

Andrew and I are adjusting to parenthood pretty well, in my humble opinion (once we adjusted to feeling like zombies and found that coffee makes everything better). I can tell already that Liam adores his dad. I am not sure I can put into words how Andrew feels about Liam. I think it is just one of those things you have to see. He is an amazing dad (not that I expected anything less). Andrew has also done an amazing job with doing stuff around the house since I am restricted to what I can and can't do at this point. As for me, I am feeling much better. I am slowly healing and feel better & better as each day passes. I find that the days go by so fast since I am busy with the baby and trying to remember to eat and shower. I also find myself spending a lot of time just watching Liam. He is such an amazing little guy and so memorizing.

I am happy that the three of us survived the first week. Now, Andrew and I just need to get through the next 18 years or so...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

it's off

Liam's umbilical cord stump fell off sometime over night. Andrew found it in his jammies this am while changing Liam's diaper. This also means that Liam was given his first bath this morning. I am not sure he enjoyed the bath as much as I thought he would. We did learn that the sound of the running water calms him down.