We have been home now for a week and Liam has been here with us for a little over a week. It has been a very busy week- lots of company, first pediatrician appointment and a lot of changes. Andrew and I are slowly learning what Liam needs, when he needs it and how to work as a team...even when it is 3am and are our eyes are hardly open.
Olive and Zeppelin are also becoming more aware of Liam. Zeppelin has been Liam's best friend since we brought Liam home. He enjoys watching Liam sleep, will become curious when Liam cries,and I am sure would cuddle with Liam if we allowed it. Olive has taken a bit more time to warm up to Liam than we expected. She was unsure of what Liam was when we brought him home. She was anxious and would look at him from a distance. As the days have gone on , she has become Liam's other best friend. She too, becomes curious when he cries, would lick him to death if we allowed it and runs right up stairs first thing in the am to check in on Liam. Andrew and I are happy the pugs are enjoying Liam and so far have been very well behaved. Lets hope this continues.

Andrew and I are adjusting to parenthood pretty well, in my humble opinion (once we adjusted to feeling like zombies and found that coffee makes everything better). I can tell already that Liam adores his dad. I am not sure I can put into words how Andrew feels about Liam. I think it is just one of those things you have to see. He is an amazing dad (not that I expected anything less). Andrew has also done an amazing job with doing stuff around the house since I am restricted to what I can and can't do at this point. As for me, I am feeling much better. I am slowly healing and feel better & better as each day passes. I find that the days go by so fast since I am busy with the baby and trying to remember to eat and shower. I also find myself spending a lot of time just watching Liam. He is such an amazing little guy and so memorizing.
I am happy that the three of us survived the first week. Now, Andrew and I just need to get through the next 18 years or so...