I can hardly believe that three weeks have past already. It seems like Liam has been here forever( I feel like I am writing that on every post, but it is soooo true!). Liam and I survived our first week without Andrew being home with us everyday. Boy are we happy when Andrew gets home from work! There were a few days that were pretty rough, but now that we have somewhat of a schedule down, things are becoming easier. Sometimes when Liam starts to cry which then turns into a screaming-cry, Zeppelin decides that he is going to start to howl. I am unsure if it is Z's way of trying to calm Liam or if it is his own anxiety coming out....So there were a few times when I had a screaming kid and two howling pugs, because when Z starts, Olive needs to start too. Good thing I have a sense of humor.
There is no denying this kid belongs to Andrew. Liam looks more like his dad everyday.
He is so cute! I am partial to the onesie he is wearing. He is getting so big.