It has been a busy couple of weeks and I really have not had the time to update this blog as often as I want. A lot has happened in just the 2wks that Liam has been with us. I have been making mental notes of things that happen that I want to post up here, but then a diaper needs to be changed, he needs to be fed or I want a good snuggle with the little peanut. More important things pop up.

Liam is doing well. He had a two week appointment with his pediatrician to check on the jaundice and his weight. The jaundice is no longer here and his skin now is just shedding. I am constantly moisturizing him. I think he may be part snake. He is also doing well with gaining weight. He is up a total of 8oz since birth. We are hopeful he will be at least 7lbs at his next appointment.
Andrew and I are doing well too. He returned to work today. I am not sure who out of the three of us was more sad about him returning to work. As predicted, Andrew is a great dad and a fabulous husband. I cant do much of anything until my 6wk post partum appointment...so that means he is still doing pretty much all the chores around the house and driving me around. I was a bit disappointed at my 2wk follow up appointment when I was told I should not be driving unless it is absolutely necessary....so back to driving Miss Daisy.
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