our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

it's off

Liam's umbilical cord stump fell off sometime over night. Andrew found it in his jammies this am while changing Liam's diaper. This also means that Liam was given his first bath this morning. I am not sure he enjoyed the bath as much as I thought he would. We did learn that the sound of the running water calms him down.

1 comment:

  1. Ewe. But so cool. But ewe lol I can remember that, it looked like a dried up fat-flat raisin lol And first bath! Awww so sweet. I remember when Justice was a baby, I would say for his first year, he had one bath a week. And he had NO skin problems. Most of my friends, they bathe their baby every other day, as if their newborn is a farm-hand lol. And guess what? Those babies have bad cases of baby zits lol Your lil' Liam is adorable. A very gorgeous baby! :) So happy that you all are experiencing such a great feat. I always tell people "Life is the same after a baby, but the baby makes your life even better!" <3 Love you and lil' Liam
