our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Weekly doctor appointment went well today. I was given the "Here to Maternity" paperwork. This essentially tells me what I need to do when I believe I am in labor or when my membranes rupture (water breaking). Basically it all comes down to call immediately if my membranes rupture &/or call once my contractions are about 5 minutes apart...so 12 within an hour. To me, that seems like things are moving along pretty quick, but I am not the expert here (so I am sure they will be getting a lot of phone calls from either me or Andrew). Being given these instructions makes it pretty official that 1. the baby will be here soon & 2. it could happen at anytime now.

We saw Dr. Lee today. He told me that due to my history of high blood pressure I will not be going too far past my due date. Maybe 1 or 2 days beyond at max before being induced. If I did not have any issues with my blood pressure, they would let me go 2 weeks before inducing. Whoa. I hope that this baby sends my body into labor naturally, but if not, I guess I have to be okay with being induced. While it is not part of my original plan, I guess this is where the advice on being "flexible with your birthing plan" comes into play. On the flip side, knowing that I won't need to go two weeks past my due date is somewhat of a relief. I guess I will be spending the next week or so researching natural ways of bringing on labor besides downing a bottle of castor oil. ugh.

Dr. Lee also mentioned that I am going to have a "generous" baby. While ultrasounds are good to have, he said they are not accurate when it comes to measurements. A generous baby will be happily welcomed here.

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