our journey into parenthood & beyond...

Monday, January 25, 2010

knock out

Liam may have taken those shots like a champ, but those shots kicked his 10lb booty. It was a rough evening for all of us. He cried and screamed. Thankfully the magic of the swaddle gave some relief. He threw up. Somehow he managed to throw up down the inside of the front of my shirt while I was holding him. I give him credit for keeping the vomit contained to one area. He had a low grade fever and just could not get comfortable. Swaddle (not too tight), baby Tylenol, cool cloths, a bath, massage, Andrew singing to Liam and lots of love seemed to do the trick. Despite not feeling great, he did manage to sleep well. He woke up this morning with no fever, smiling and acting like his old self.

Liam loved wearing a cool washcloth on his head

1 comment:

  1. I think he is trying out the feel of a biker do-rag. Could be a flat head Indian in his future.
    Just thinking...
    Grandpa Peter
