Resolutions....ahh here we go again. Lester Holt, who is part of the Today Show team once reported that people are more likely to keep their resolutions into the new year (say, past February)if they wrote down the with that being said, I have decided to go public with my resolutions. I don't want to change too much, but rather meet some personal goals & be a better human ( or at least try).
1. Run in the 2010 Turkey Trot. I am not worried about how long it takes me to complete it, I just want to complete it.
2.Make friends with other moms. Andrew & I are the first parents within our group of friends. It would be nice to have another mom to talk with about diapers, formula, sleeping patterns, life with baby & etc...all the stuff that is boring to non moms (at least I thought it was boring before Liam came along). But, I hate making new friends....
3. Become healthier. Even though Liam is a little dude, I want to be a positive role model when it comes to taking care of my body(exercising, making healthy food choices, being aware of what I am putting into my body) . I am hoping Andrew will pick up on this as well.
4. Being positive and judge less. I really need to improve in this area. I think this has been on my list for the past 15 years...
You can do it Star!!