Like all other weeks, this week also flew by. It was a pretty productive week. Thursday was our last Birth Class. We completed the sessions and now need to remember what we learned when it is go time. Work surprised me with a baby shower. It was a good surprise and an extremely thoughtful gesture. We embarked on another trip to Babies R Us...on a Saturday afternoon. Worst. idea. ever. That store is always packed, but Saturday afternoons at that place is a pure disaster. The dresser/changing table combo that we ordered forever ago finally came in, so we picked that bad boy up. We ordered the last dresser needed for the nursery and wanted to pick up a few other items while we were there. The snap & go stroller that goes with our car seat was one of the items...of course the store was out of stock and will not be getting another shipment in until around Halloween. ugh. So we set up the changing table combo, washed blankets, sheets, etc and started to sort out the plethora of clothing this little guy has. I am pretty impressed with the amount of organization that took place in the nursery this can see the floor in there again!
Funny story of the week: Andrew and I went out to dinner with some friends on Saturday night. Everyone ordered a cocktail or a beer, well except for me. The waitress asked me if I was sure I did not want anything else besides my water to drink. I said no and she again asked me. I then replied with "No, I am pregnant". Well that just opened the flood gates. The next thing I knew she was asking me a million questions about the pregnancy and was surprised that Andrew was the father. I almost told her that I was
artificially inseminated, but just didn't have the heart- she was so excited about my pregnancy. By the end of the night, she pretty much knew much more about my pregnancy than necessary. I am pretty pregnant at this point and I am not sure if she just did not notice this watermelon under my shirt or if she seriously needs to have her peepers checked out. Or maybe she just thought I had a serious beer belly...who knows, but it gave us all a good laugh!
So week 34 photos:

Today was a pretty relaxing day..thus no makeup & crazy hair.

The combo unit and me feeling pretty uncomfortable.

Another shot of the crib
Worst Part of this Week: Stretch marks...they are here. Coming to terms that sleeping is no longer comfortable. Elastic is my friend.
Best Part of this Week: Surprise baby shower at work. Getting the nursery somewhat organized. Almost finished packing my hospital bag.
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